Лингвокультурные ценности в эпическом дискурсе (на материале якутского и алтайского эпических текстов) = Linguistic and cultural values in epic discourse (based on the material of the Yakut and Altai epic texts)
Статья в журнале
якутский героический эпос; алтайский героический эпос; ценности; лингвокультурные ценности; ориентиры поведения; аксиология; лингвокультура; олонхо; оценка ценностей; ценностные установки; Yakut heroic epic; Altai heroic epic; values; linguistic and cultural values; guidelines of behavior; axiology; linguistic culture; olonkho; assessment of values; value attitudes
Литература. Литературоведение. Устное народное творчество / Народное творчество / Устное народное творчество отдельных стран и народов мира
This article is devoted to the identification of universal and national values in the epic texts Mighty Er Sogotokh and Maadai-Kara . The relevance of the study of the problem is due to the growing interest in the comparative study of linguistic and cultural features in multi-system languages based on the material of epic texts. The following methods are used in the work: the continuous sampling method, linguistic and cultural and interpretative analyses, and the comparative method. The material for the analysis was extracted by a continuous sampling method from the original texts of epic tales, provided with a line-by-line translation into Russian. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe universal and national-specific attitudes in the value perception of the surrounding world, reflected in the linguistic units of epic tales. The study revealed that both texts enshrine such basic values as family, attention to people, safety, respect for parents, Homeland, justice, health, etc., which show their relative stability in the temporal and spatial dimensions. The vital, cultural, moral, spiritual, terminal, and other values available in each community exist collectively in one context. It is also revealed that the life-affirming imperative is translated from the position of the characters, for example, the father and mother of the main characters or on behalf of the mistress of Altai, who have significant experience in pragmatic communication with the outside world and the nature of the worldview of the inhabitants of the space of their existence. Thus, a general picture of values is formed for transmission to the inexperienced, the young, or those who are looking for value supports to know themselves and others, are in search of answers to the multifaceted questions of human existence, etc. The prospect of further work is seen in a more detailed and in-depth development of the dominant values that determine the norms of behavior in various discursive practices of related languages.
Николаева, Т. Н. Лингвокультурные ценности в эпическом дискурсе (на материале якутского и алтайского эпических текстов) / Т. Н. Николаева ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия "Эпосоведение". - 2024. - N 2 (34). - С. 86-95. - DOI: 10.25587/2782-4861-2024-2-86-95
DOI: 10.25587/2782-4861-2024-2-86-95
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