Оптимизация кадрового делопроизводства госслужбы в услових цифровизации общества = Optimization of personnel office-work in public service in digitalization of society
Статья в журнале
государственное управление; кадровое делопроизводство; система управления в государственных органах управления; система управления персоналом; кадровые процессы; интегрированные программные решения; автоматизация кадровых процессов; система управления организацией; нормативно-правовые акты; эффективность деятельности системы управления; Public administration; personnel office-work; controlsystem in public authorities of management ; a personnel management system; personnel processes; the integrated software solutions,automation of personnel processes ; a control system of the organization; normative legal acts; efficiency of activity of a control system
Экономика и экономические науки / Экономика труда. Трудовые ресурсы
Бизнес. Образование. Право: [научный журнал]. – 2019. – 3 (48)
С. 144-149
Бизнес. Образование. Право: [научный журнал]
Волгоград, [Волгоградский институт бизнеса]
Основан в 2006 г.
Выходит 4 раза в год
1990-536X (print)
Бизнес. Образование. Право : [научный журнал] / учредители Е. А. Кумейко ; главный редактор Р. В. Калиничева. - Волгоград : [Волгоградский институт бизнеса], 2006-. ISSN 1990-536X (print). - 2019, N 3 (48). - 448 с.
The relevance of the represented research is caused by the state importance and high responsibility of personnel office-work in activity of public institutions. Implementation of functions of management, organization of the labor relations and human resources management of public service is the necessary key, which in many respects defines efficiency of activity of the public authorities creating, supporting and ensuring safety and welfare of citizens, their rights and freedoms. The article examines the issues of the organization of personnel office-work; the emphasis is placed on optimization of personnel processes in the conditions of digitalization. The regulatory legal acts regulating the organization of personnel processes in the state control system are selected. Features of organization of personnel processes in foreign countries in the system of public administration are marked out: automation, paperless carriers, use of a cloud computing. Legislative and regulatory acts have been addopted in foreign countries for digitilization of the HR records keeping, as well as national standards based on the international ISO system. Developments shall be included in the regulatory-legal and methodical documents of the Russian Federation. On the example of the State committee on the pricing policy of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the analysis of personnel processes is made and the recommendations about optimization and standardization of the processes in the conditions of digitalization of society are developed. The research is based on a structural and logical method, timing method, expert interview, method of analogies, method of the analysis and synthesis. Empirical data of2017-2019 are used; the key problems are allocated on the example ofthe State committee on the pricing policy of Yakutia; conclusions are made on increasing the efficiency of organization of the personnel processes. Bsed on the received results, recommendations about automation of personnel processes in public administration in the conditions of digitalization of society are developed. Standardization of the main personnel processes, which include such directions as hiring procedures, assessment of competences (certification), development of public servants, and talent pool is important. The use of the integrated software products, and cloud computing is proposed as the decision.
Михайлова, А. В. Оптимизация кадрового делопроизводства госслужбы в условиях цифровизации общества / А. В. Михайлова, Л. Н. Попова ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова // Бизнес. Образование. Право. - 2019. - N 3 (48). - С. 144-149. - DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.350
DOI: 10.25683/VOLBI.2019.48.350
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- НАУКА ЯКУТИИ > ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ > Экономика. Экономические науки. Политическая экономия,
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