Distribution of the book in Yakutia (1638-1917): sources of study and historiography
Распространение книги в Якутии (1638-1917): источники изучения и историография
Distribution of the book in Yakutia (1638-1917): sources of study and historiography
Статья в журнале
Библиогр.: c. 84-87 (60 назв.)
Книгораспространение в Якутии; Изучение чтения; Ведомственные библиотеки; Публичные библиотеки; Народные библиотеки; Книжная торговля; Историография книжной культуры Якутии; Источники изучения книгораспространения в Якутии; Book distribution in Yakutia; Study of reading; Departmental libraries; Public libraries; Folk libraries; Book trade; Historiography of book distribution in Yakutia; Sources of studying book distribution in Yakutia
Книга. Книговедение
Библиография. – 2018. – N 4, июль-август
С. 76-87
Москва, Бук Чэмбер Интернэшнл
Выходит 1 раз в два месяца
0869-6020 (print)
Журнал включен: РИНЦ, перечень ВАК
The article presents the set of studies on the history of the distribution of the book in Yakutia. Three main periods of studying the distribution of the book are revealed. Prior to the first period, pre-revolutionary works (the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries) were included. The second - reflects the Soviet period (1917-1990). The latest literature (from the beginning of the 1990's to the present day) is attributed to the third period. The Russian, Siberian and regional works on distribution of books in Yakutia are represented in content. Typologically, the entire complex of the source research base is grouped, the main sources of the studied published and unpublished documents are listed
Распространение книги в Якутии (1638-1917): источники изучения и историография = Distribution of the book in Yakutia (1638-1917): sources of study and historiography / С. И. Бойтунова // Библиография. - 2018. - N 4. - С. 76-87
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