Shamans and their religious practices from Shamanism among the Turkic Peoples of Siberia
Alekseev Nikolai A.

Shamans and their religious practices from Shamanism among the Turkic Peoples of Siberia

61 с.

Shamanic worlds: rituals and lore of Siberia and Central Asia / Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, editor. - Armonk, New York; London, 1997. - P. 49-109

Шаманы и их религиозная практика

Alekseev, Nikolai A.
Shamans and their religious practices : from Shamanism among the Turkic Peoples of Siberia / Nikolai A. Alekseev ; translated [from Russian] by Ronald Radzai. - Библиогр. в конце ст. в примеч. - Шаманы и их религиозная практика // Shamanic worlds : rituals and lore of Siberia and Central Asia / Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, editor. - Armonk, New York ; London, 1997. - P. 49-109.

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