We Could Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. Here's How.: [about resurrecting of mammoth. Comment of an author of the book "Woolly: the true story of the quest to revive Ooe of history's most iconic extinct creatures" Ben Mezrich ]
Worrall Simon , Уоррелл Саймон

We Could Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. Here's How.: [about resurrecting of mammoth. Comment of an author of the book "Woolly: the true story of the quest to revive Ooe of history's most iconic extinct creatures" Ben Mezrich ]



Nationalgeographic.com : [сайт об открытиях, науке]

О возможном воскрешении шерстистых мамонтов Якутии

Worrall, Simon .
We Could Resurrect the Woolly Mammoth. Here's How. : [about resurrecting of mammoth. Comment of an author of the book "Woolly: the true story of the quest to revive Ooe of history's most iconic extinct creatures" Ben Mezrich ] / Simon Worrall ; photo Jonathan Blair, Evgenia Arbugaeva // Nationalgeographic.com : [сайт об открытиях, науке]. - 2017. - 9 июля. Режим доступа: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/woolly-mammoths-extinction-cloning-genetics.- [16+]. -

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