Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth: [with comments of the director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoriev]
Liesowska Anna, Лесовска Анна

Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth: [with comments of the director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoriev]



Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт]

О находке шерстистого мамонта с сохранившейся кровью в Якутии, с комментариями руководителя Музея мамонтов Института прикладной экологии Севера Северо-Восточного федерального университета Семена Григорьева

Liesowska, Anna.
Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth : [with comments of the director of the Lazarev Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University Semyon Grigoriev] / Anna Liesowska ; photo Semyon Grigoriev // Siberiantimes.com : [новостной сайт]. - 2013. - 29 May. URL: https://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/exclusive-the-first-pictures-of-blood-from-a-10000-year-old-siberian-woolly-mammoth/.- [18+]. -

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