Место работы автора, адрес/электронная почта: Республиканская больница N 1 - Национальный центр медицины ; 677010, г. Якутск, ул. Сергеляхское шоссе, 4 ; https://rb1ncm.ru
Область научных интересов: Медицина
Количество страниц: 8 с.
Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare form of congenital red cell aplasia of hematopoiesis in infants and children, characterized by suppression of erythropoiesis and congenital malformations. The article presents an observation of a child with DBA. The girl was born with severe anemia. The diagnosis was established at the age of 3 months, genetically confirmed at 2 years. Since her birth, she had been receiving monthly transfusion therapy with red blood cells. Treatment with prednisolone, L-leucine was carried out without effect, the child remained transfusion-dependent. The only curative method for this disease is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). With a 14-year-old sibling not suitable, there was no other suitable related donor. By the age of 15, the child had developed serious complications caused by post-transfusion iron overload of the liver (grade 4), myocardium, pituitary gland with the development of liver and heart failure; endocrine disorders in the form of hypopituitarism, primary and secondary hypothyroidism, increased fasting glycemia. In addition, the girl has chronic viral hepatitis C. In order to remove excess iron from the body, the patient has been receiving chelation therapy since the age of 8. The accumulation of iron in organs leads to irreversible dysfunction, reducing the life expectancy of patients with DBA, so early initiation of chelation therapy is necessary.
Анемия Даймонда-Блекфена с тяжелой пострансфузионной перегрузкой железом / Аргунова Е. Ф., Харабаева Е. М., Протопопова Н. Н., Кондратьева С. А. [и др.] ; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М.К. Аммосова, Медицинский институт, ГАУ РС (Я) "Республиканская больница N 1 - Национальныйцентр медицины имени М. Е. Николаева" // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия: Медицинские науки. - 2024. - N 4 (37). - C. 10-17. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-4-10-17
DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-4-10-17
Количество страниц: 6 с.
Pearson syndrome (PS) is a rare multisystem disease with predominant involvement of the hematopoietic organs, pancreas and liver, developing due to a defect in mitochondrial DNA. Most often, the first clinical manifestations of Pearson syndrome in the form of anemia of varying severity appear in the first year of life. The disease was first described in 1979 by Howard Pearson, who included in this syndrome sideroblastic anemia, vacuolation of hematopoietic progenitor cells in the bone marrow, exocrine pancreatic dysfunction, and early onset of the disease, usually before the age of 1 year. According to the literature, the incidence of Pearson syndrome is 1:5000. This article presents a clinical case of a boy diagnosed with Pearson syndrome at the age of 6 months. The child had pale skin from birth and a general blood test showed severe anemia. In the myelogram: Moderate increase in proliferation of the erythroid germ with impaired maturation, diserythro and dysmegakaryocytopoiesis, moderate monocytosis, ring-shaped sideroblasts 45 %. In a molecular genetic study: on DNA material isolated from the patient’s blood cells and urinary sediment using the polymerase chain reaction of very long fragments, the patient was analyzed for the presence of mitochondrial DNA deletions in the region where most of the major changes were described (m.6380-m. 16567). DNA isolated from the patient’s blood cells and urine sediment revealed a deletion of about 3000 bp. in a homoplasmic state. The boy also has neurological disorders. Currently, the child is admitted monthly to the oncology department of the pediatric center for replacement therapy with blood components. He has been observed by hematologists together with neurologists. He also receives chelation therapy and methylprednisolone therapy on an ongoing basis. For anticonvulsant purposes: vigabatrin. Symptomatic therapy, according to the recommendations of the federal center: Courses of Riboflavin, Tocopherol (vitamin E), Coenzyme Q, Succinic acid, L-carnitine, Thiamine.
Клинический случай синдрома Пирсона у ребенка в Республике Саха (Якутия) / О. В. Ядреева, Е. М. Харабаева, В. Б. Егорова [и др.] ; ГАУ РС (Я) "Республиканская больница N 1 им. М. Е. Николаева", Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им. М. К. Аммосова, Медицинский институт // Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М. К. Аммосова. Серия: Медицинские науки. - 2024. - N 2 (35). - C. 70-75. - DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-2-70-75
DOI: 10.25587/2587-5590-2024-2-70-75
Количество страниц: 4 с.
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Медицина > Патология. Клиническая медицина > Педиатрия,
- Прикладные науки. Медицина. Ветеринария. Техника. Сельское хозяйство > Медицина > Патология. Клиническая медицина > Онкология,
The article analyzes the incidence of cancer in children and adolescents of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from 2000 to 2015 according to the data of appeal and hospitalization in medical institutions.
Динамика показателя заболеваемости детей и подростков онкологическими заболеваниями в Республике Саха (Якутия) / Т. Е. Бурцева, Л. Н. Афанасьева, Е. Ф. Аргунова, Л. А. Николаева, С. А. Кондратьева, Е. М. Харабаева, С. А. Николаева, С. А. Евсеева, В. Г. Часнык, П. М. Иванов, Ф. Ф. Федоров, К. И. Бурнашева// Якутский медицинский журнал. — 2018. — N 3 (63). — С. 66-69. — DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2018.63.22.
DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2018.63.22
Количество страниц: 4 с.
The article presents the analysis of frequency indicators: primary morbidity, mortality in acute leukemia in children of the RS (Y) for the period from 2000 to 2016. The incidence of acute leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia in children’s population of the RS (I) are average and comparable with that of other regions of the Russian Federation. In dynamics there is a decrease in mortality from leukemia and this is due to the improvement of therapy and the quality of accompanying therapy.
Эпидемиология острых лейкозов у детей Республики Саха (Якутия) / Е. Ф. Аргунова, С. А. Кондратьева, Е. М. Харабаева, О. В. Ядреева, С. А. Николаева, Н. Н. Протопопова, С. Н. Алексеева, С. А. Евсеева, Т. Е. Бурцева, В. С. Баланова// Якутский медицинский журнал. — 2018. — N 3 (63). — С. 63-66. — DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2018.63.21.
DOI: 10.25789/YMJ.2018.63.21