Год: 2023
- Сказочный мир > Сказки народов Севера и авторские сказки,
- Сказки Северного сияния,
- Медиатека НБ Якутии: смотри и слушай > Аудиозал: аудиокниги, аудиофрагменты, подкасты > Аудиофрагменты,
- Сохранение семейных традиций коренных малочисленных народов > В кругу семьи: смотрим, слушаем, читаем с родными,
- Языкознание. Филология. Художественная литература,
- КНИГАКАН > Все народы > Эвены (тунгусо-маньчжурская группа языков) > Художественная литература. Поэзия.
Количество страниц: 9 с.
- Языкознание. Филология. Художественная литература > Литература. Литературоведение > Теория литературы. Изучение литературы. Литературная техника > Художественная литература на отдельных языках > Якутская (саха) литература,
The modern Yakut literary language has its origins in the XIX century. In 1940 E.I. Ubryatova wrote that enrichment of the literary Yakut language was facilitated by the fact that it included everything created earlier by the Yakut people - a small pre-revolutionary experience of the literary language that remained on the borders of various progressive publications and a rich experience of oral literary language and remarkable Yakut folklore. The origins of the Yakut literary language can be found in the "Memoirs" of A.Y. Uvarovsky (1848), in missionary textbooks for the Yakuts, in translations of Church books, in "Samples of folk literature of the Yakuts" published by Е.К. Pekarsky Yakut written texts to a wider circle of readers find in the Yakut departments of the first newspapers in the first Yakut magazine "Sakha Sagata". The first works of writers A.E. Kulakovsky, A.I. Sofronov, K.O. Gavrilov, V.V. Nikiforov well-processed folklore works collected by S.A. Novgorodov were printed on the pages of these publications. Most of the original journalistic articles in these newspapers and magazines are rich, expressive, emotional and expressive style, it was an organic fusion of three elements: informal conversation, generalized forms of folk processed over dialect expression-the language of folklore and oratory. In general it should be concluded that in these publications first appeared, quite expressive sprouts special journalistic style-the colorful, ornamental, sometimes even alliteratively rhythmic syllable overlap quite noticeable expression in writing - literary origin, terminology the use of the Yakut words, their activation in contexts that give them unusual in everyday spoken language socio-political sense (these are for example words like: 'kunyl' freedom; kyrd'yk'truth; 'teng byraap' equality, "sanga (erge) oloh' new (old) life, etc.). In the future, the fate of languages, their"well-being", development and flourishing entirely depend on the state and of a literary language. In our time and in the future, "just" everyday spoken language has no great prospects. prospectso National literary language is a unifying, rallying force of the nation, ensures the continuity of g progressive development of the nation on the path of progress and civilization. Thus, it is difficult to ov national-social, social and cultural significance of the developed literary language.
Слепцов, П. А. О некоторых проблемах якутского литературного языка / П. А. Слепцов ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2018, N 3 (24). - С. 11-19. - DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.03.24.011
DOI: 10.25693/IGI2218-1644.2018.03.24.011
Количество страниц: 6 с.
- Языкознание. Филология. Художественная литература > Литература. Литературоведение > Теория литературы. Изучение литературы. Литературная техника > Художественная литература на отдельных языках > Якутская (саха) литература,
- 1. Ушницкий Василий Васильевич. Этнографические этюды (один день из полевой экспедиции в Синьцзян) = Ethnographic etudes (one day from a field expedition in Xinjiang)
- 2. Иванова Нина Иннокентьевна. "Места памяти" в социолингвистической интерпретации (к постановке проблемы) = "The places of memory" in sociolinguistic interpretation (to statement of a problem)
- 3. Покатилова Надежда Володаровна. Малые жанры в повествовательной системе фольклора = Small genres in a narrative system of folklore
- 4. Шарина Сардана Ивановна. Деепричастия в нижнеколымском говоре эвенского языка = Adverbial-participial in Nizhnekolymskiy dialect of the Even language
- 5. Кузьмина Ангелина Афанасьевна. Названия деревьев и кустарников в якутском языке (сравнительный аспект) = The names of the trees and shrubs in the Yakut language (comparative aspect)
- 6. Винокурова Надежда Ивановна. Глоссирование как метод репрезентации текстов в якутском языке = Glossing as a method of representing texts written in Yakut
- 7. Иванова Ирина Борисовна. Языковые средства выражения меры объема и веса в якутском языке = Linguistic means of expression measures of volume and weight in the Yakut language
- 8. Ефремов Николай Николаевич. Средства выражения эвиденциальности в якутском языке: формы изъявительного наклонения глагола (в сопоставлении с хакасским языком) = Means of expression of evidentiality in the Yakut language: the forms of the indicative mood of the verb (in comparison to the Khakass language)
- 9. Игнатьева Ванда Борисовна. Чурапча на девяти холмах: топография и нарративы коллективной памяти = Churapcha on nine hills: the topography and narratives of collective memory
- 10. Никитина Саргылана Егоровна. В. В. Никифоров о земском самоуправлении в Якутской области (к 150-летию Василия Васильевича Никифорова) = V. V. Nikiforov about territorial self-government in the Yakut region (the 150 th anniversary of Vasyly Vasilyevich Nikiforov)
- 11. Романова Екатерина Назаровна. Образы национального прошлого и будущего в восприятии якутской эмиграции (память, забвение, идентичность) = Images of the nation's past and future in the perception of the Yakut emigration: (memory, oblivion, identity)
- 12. Томаска Алена Георгиевна. Место памяти и идентичность молодежи Мирнинского района Республики Саха (Якутия) = Place of memory and identity of the youth of the Mirny District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
- 13. Романова Лидия Николаевна. "Воспоминания" А. Я. Уваровского как место памяти = "The memories" of A. Ya. Uvarovskiy as the place for memory (posing of problems)
- 14. Санникова Яна Михайловна. К изучению регионального аспекта развития традиционного хозяйства народов Севера в контексте аграрной политики государства = To study the regional dimension of the traditional economy of Northern Peoples in the context of the agrarian policy of the state
- 15. Антонов Егор Петрович. Вклад С. В. Обручева в геологическое и географическое изучение Якутии = The contribution of S. V. Obruchev in the geological and geographical study of Yakutia
- 16. Васильев Валерий Егорович. Генезис шаманских инструментов народа саха в свете образа матери-зверя у тюрков, монголов и тунгусов = The Genesis of the shamanic tools of the Sakha people in the image of the mother-beast among the Turks, Mongols and Tungus
- 17. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2016, №4 (17)
The article is devoted to plot and compositional features of the works of famous Yakut writer I.P. Nik iforov. The focus is on the specifics of plot and compositional synthesis Isai Nikiforov’s prose: the interaction of epic, drama, lyricism. the desire for cyclization. During the comparative analysis plot matching the early and late works of the writer w as revealed that the basis of their writing lay excerpts from his wartime letters, as well as previously published short essays and stories. Ibis shows the desire of the author to create a work of broader scope, more complex plot and diverse characters. The event model in the novels of the writer, often passing from earlier stories and plays, indicates about complex inter-generic and inter-genre relationships in his work. Author's retreat, as one of the most distinctive and effective methods of composition used in the art text for directly expressing their views and feelings of the narrator, that can be explained as a kind of appeal to the reader: the desire to emphasize and keep an eye on the fact that an additional informative block w hich is the most significant for the semantic structure of the text. Ihe article also describes such a specific, rare elements of the external composition as a preface, prologue, epilogue, epigraph. Compositional techniques are included as an integral element of originality of the author's individual style of the writer.
Самсонова, Т. П. Сюжетно-композиционные особенности произведений Исая Никифорова / Т. П. Самсонова ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера ; Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера // Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник. - 2016, N 4 (17). - С. 111-116.
Количество страниц: 5 с.
- 1. Ушницкий Василий Васильевич. Этнографические этюды (один день из полевой экспедиции в Синьцзян) = Ethnographic etudes (one day from a field expedition in Xinjiang)
- 2. Ефремов Николай Николаевич. Средства выражения эвиденциальности в якутском языке: формы изъявительного наклонения глагола (в сопоставлении с хакасским языком) = Means of expression of evidentiality in the Yakut language: the forms of the indicative mood of the verb (in comparison to the Khakass language)
- 3. Покатилова Надежда Володаровна. Малые жанры в повествовательной системе фольклора = Small genres in a narrative system of folklore
- 4. Самсонова Тамара Петровна. Сюжетно-композиционные особенности произведений Исая Никифорова = Plot and compositional features of the works of Isai Nikiforov
- 5. Шарина Сардана Ивановна. Деепричастия в нижнеколымском говоре эвенского языка = Adverbial-participial in Nizhnekolymskiy dialect of the Even language
- 6. Кузьмина Ангелина Афанасьевна. Названия деревьев и кустарников в якутском языке (сравнительный аспект) = The names of the trees and shrubs in the Yakut language (comparative aspect)
- 7. Винокурова Надежда Ивановна. Глоссирование как метод репрезентации текстов в якутском языке = Glossing as a method of representing texts written in Yakut
- 8. Иванова Ирина Борисовна. Языковые средства выражения меры объема и веса в якутском языке = Linguistic means of expression measures of volume and weight in the Yakut language
- 9. Иванова Нина Иннокентьевна. "Места памяти" в социолингвистической интерпретации (к постановке проблемы) = "The places of memory" in sociolinguistic interpretation (to statement of a problem)
- 10. Никитина Саргылана Егоровна. В. В. Никифоров о земском самоуправлении в Якутской области (к 150-летию Василия Васильевича Никифорова) = V. V. Nikiforov about territorial self-government in the Yakut region (the 150 th anniversary of Vasyly Vasilyevich Nikiforov)
- 11. Игнатьева Ванда Борисовна. Чурапча на девяти холмах: топография и нарративы коллективной памяти = Churapcha on nine hills: the topography and narratives of collective memory
- 12. Романова Екатерина Назаровна. Образы национального прошлого и будущего в восприятии якутской эмиграции (память, забвение, идентичность) = Images of the nation's past and future in the perception of the Yakut emigration: (memory, oblivion, identity)
- 13. Томаска Алена Георгиевна. Место памяти и идентичность молодежи Мирнинского района Республики Саха (Якутия) = Place of memory and identity of the youth of the Mirny District of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
- 14. Санникова Яна Михайловна. К изучению регионального аспекта развития традиционного хозяйства народов Севера в контексте аграрной политики государства = To study the regional dimension of the traditional economy of Northern Peoples in the context of the agrarian policy of the state
- 15. Антонов Егор Петрович. Вклад С. В. Обручева в геологическое и географическое изучение Якутии = The contribution of S. V. Obruchev in the geological and geographical study of Yakutia
- 16. Васильев Валерий Егорович. Генезис шаманских инструментов народа саха в свете образа матери-зверя у тюрков, монголов и тунгусов = The Genesis of the shamanic tools of the Sakha people in the image of the mother-beast among the Turks, Mongols and Tungus
- 17. Северо-Восточный гуманитарный вестник, 2016, №4 (17)
In the article is represented the practice of the study of Yakut artistic literature as the depositories of the places for memory. In the literature, which has symbolic nature, is capable of being reflected kommemoration not only of the author as the carrier of memory, but also people, society. In the artistic work together with the self-identification of the author is formed the identity of people, which attempts to fasten in its consciousness memory about the past. Contributor investigates formation and functioning "of the places for memory" based on the example of the first written literary monument on by Yakutsk language "The memories" of A.Ya. Uvarovskiy. On the basis of that developed Pierre Nora the concept "of the place for memory" ("Lieux de memory") is investigated the text "of recollections" from the point of view of their significance in history and self-consciousness of the people of Sakha. Special attention is given to the relationship of history and memory in the narrative structure of artistic creation. Memories about their life, personal experiences of Uvarovskiy are involve with the history of Yakutiya of first half of XIX century, which are not given in historical specifics, but are appeared as watersheds the lives of the author himself. Through the personal appears the wide historical context, which presents way of life, dispositions, culture, historical events, everyday life, geo- and socio-political special features of the depicted time.
Год выпуска: 2021